Wedding Archive

St. Charles, Grand Coteau & Oakbourne Engagements: Cassie + BC

May 15, 2012

I’m Catherine.
A New Orleans based wedding photographer and educator. We are excited you are here and cannot wait to connect with you!.
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When BC ordered the ring for Cassie, things couldn’t have fall more into place for them. In fact, the day of Lauren + Marc’s wedding he asked Cassie’s parents. Her mom was already emotional for the fact that Cassie’s best friend, Lauren was getting married, but even more so NOW that her daughter was as well. And to TOP things off, Cassie caught the bouquet.

That’s right, Ladies….and now she’s getting married.

A week after the wedding, BC told her his boss gave him a raise and wanted nothing more than to celebrate the occasion with her. They were greeted at the door to Tsunami and seated. BC and Cassie sat down and before she could take a sip of her drink, BC was chugging down his beer. Cassie sensed that something was going on but she couldn’t QUITE put a finger on it.

It was raining outside so naturally, Cassie felt comfortable inside sheltered from the rain. Welllll, BC had a different plan for the night. He convinced her to join him on the balcony despite his fear of heights (the things men will do for the women they love. :))

At this point, Cassie was just rolling with it…totally confused as BC walked even closer to the balcony’s edge. It was in that moment that he reached into his coat pocket. But before he could even take his hand out, she had already taken the ring off of her left hand, shoved it in her pocket, and stuck her now empty left ring finger toward his chest.

Neither of them remember what was said beyond that point. They do remember BC prolonging the moment where he would put the ring on her finger…until she had YES! 🙂 Cassie didn’t hestitate and the proposal ended with a kiss.

From the moment BC arrived, I felt like we had already met. Cassie and I talked so much at our initial meeting that it was really fun to finally meet him! And seriously, these two have got to be one of the best dressed couples I’ve ever photographed. I love their unique style and their attention to detail.

We started the shoot in Grand Coteau near St. Charles church, and finished the shoot in Lafayette at Oakbourne’s Golf Course…the place BC spent much time as he grew and pursued his passion for golf. I loved that we were able to get the natural, outdoor feel of Grand Coteau and the sentimental spot for BC.

Here are a few of my favorite images from the shoot!:

Thank you guys for being you…for being so trusting and for just having fun! 🙂 I enjoyed spending the afternoon shooting with the two of you and I’m very much looking forward to YOUR wedding day!

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  1. This is my treasured daughter, and I thank you for doing such a wonderful job! These two are very unique in every way and are a great couple. Thank you for capturing their spirit! They made the mom of the bride to be tear up immediately.
    Thanks a million for your work!

  2. Amy Benton says:

    Cassie – You are BEAUTIFUL!!!!! You two are so cute together. Thank you for sharing. Your old friends at Mary Bird Perkins are so excited for you both. Loved the golf cart shot. XOXO Amy

  3. Valerie says:

    Such a cute couple!! And I totally want that chambray/blue dress!!

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