I cannot believe it’s been an entire year since my last New Year’s post! Last year, I filled my post with all of the things that I wanted to do this year! I wanted to love bigger, laugh more, and grow daily. I promised myself last year that I would even work to become more disciplined and start more personal projects.
Well, I’m sure like most of you, I am looking at my list from last year and thinking: “Well…I suppose a few of those things I’ve accomplished, but there are still a ton that I haven’t touched or started and never finished.”
HOWEVER<— I had no idea that this last year would be filled with so many things that I didn’t expect!
*I didn’t anticipate the growth that I would have as a person…and how much I would learn about myself this year.
*I realized the importance of my family this year…and the close friends that are like family, especially in hard times.
*I had no idea that I would travel out of the state not once but three times for out of state shoots. 🙂
*I was surprised that for the first time I’ve recognized the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.
*I did not guess that my business would continue to grow as quickly as it has…and that I would continue to be so blessed with wonderful clients.
*I was reassured that God will continue to stick by my side, especially during the times I needed him most.
So for this year, I will continue the promise of loving bigger, laughing more, and working on those areas that I struggle with … but more importantly, I resolve to trust that God has a plan. I resolve to know that not everything is in my power to change but in the process I will continue to strengthen as a person.
Although 2012 had its ups and downs, I am very excited for 2013. I am thankful that I have so many wonderful people in my life to share it with…and we’ll start tonight!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! See you in 2013!
P.S. After writing this post I realized that this kind of looks like a bookmark! Feel free to let it be your reminder in the coming year!