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Jungle Gardens Engagements: Madeline + Drake

Drake proposed to Madeline at L’auberge Baton Rouge the weekend after her birthday! The day of their engagement, he took her shopping…but what she didn’t know was that his parents were back at the hotel decorating for them! After a fun day together, Drake took Madeline back to the hotel where he opened the door to […]

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I’m Catherine.
A New Orleans based wedding photographer and educator. We are excited you are here and cannot wait to connect with you!.
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It’s been seven years. And this past year, Kevin bought a bottle of champagne for Lauren’s birthday. They decided they’d save it for when they got engaged…so they continued holding onto the bottle until that special day came. Initially, at the time of the proposal (because Lauren wasn’t expecting it) she was upset that Kevin […]

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The day of their proposal, Lane + Blake arrived at the top of the mountain in Keystone, Colorado. It was SOOO cold, but Blake asked Lane not to put on her gloves or helmet for the family photo. So…as she stood there shivering, waiting for the photo opp, Blake surprised her with a proposal!!! He […]

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Ryan mentioned to Natalie time and time again that when he proposed, he would work really hard to surprise her! According to Natalie, it was 100% accomplished. She was SO surprised! One thing Natalie + Ryan love to do is travel. So, on their recent vacation to Florida, Ryan invited Natalie’s family for a nice, quiet […]

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It’s as if Ellen + Philip have known each other their entire lives. They have a comfort and ease around one another that’s so sweet to witness. Not too many months ago, Philip asked Ellen to dinner. He wanted to make sure that she was dressed for the occasion. But before they could even make […]

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In December of last year, Callie + Jacob spent Christmas decorating their tree together. It’s a sentimental and special time for them and something that they anticipate doing every year. Not only is the act of decorating a sentimental time, but the ornaments are as well. Callie actually has every ornament her mom has given […]

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As long as I’ve known Anne and Vohn they’ve been an item. We met through my close friend Amelia (also my 2nd shooter) and over time have become good friends as well! When I heard the news that Anne was engaged, I was over the moon with excitement for them! Vohn proposed to Anne in a […]

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For most of my brides, our paths begins when they become engaged. But for Erin and I, our friendship started almost a decade ago. Erin was my first friend when I came to UL. I had moved to a city I’d never lived in before and found myself immediately immersed in a new culture, new school, and […]

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It’s been five yrs since Andrea + Thomas first met and this November, Thomas decided it was time to make things official. Thomas began his proposal to Andrea by driving in from out of town to pick her up from work. They made plans to spend the evening together so he took her to the town square in […]

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On the Air

Mistakes Make Magic

The Mistakes Make Magic podcast is a podcast designed to give wedding photographers and creative entrepreneurs entertainment and lessons learned. 

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Our Services

Whether we are blending into the event experience or assisting to find the best light, the wedding day is where we create authentic and emotion-filled moments.


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It's not easy balancing all the things, especially as a wedding photographer. When you're a passion-driven person, it's hard. I can relate to this which is why I'm dedicated to helping photographers strike that perfect balance between work and personal life.

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