
The Rock We Built Our Lives On

May 15, 2012

I’m Catherine.
A New Orleans based wedding photographer and educator. We are excited you are here and cannot wait to connect with you!.
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The saying goes, ” You can’t choose your family.” But the truth is, if I was given the opportunity, I’d pick the family that I already have. This past weekend I was blessed to see the youngest of my two brothers, his wife, my parents, and my Mama Nita. And it inspired this post:

I feel so fortunate to be a part of a loving family. My parents have been married this year for 36 years! I have two older brothers that I look up to and a sister-in-law that might as well be of the same blood line.  And my mama nita…well, we may be 67 years apart but we couldn’t be more on the same page.

I am SO proud of myself lately becuase I’ve been creating the balance I’ve always wanted to have. I’m staying on top of my work, but also making the time necessary for my friends, myself, and my family. With Mother’s Day being yesterday, I spent the first part of the day with David and his wife Minette taking headshots for his soon-to-be orthodontics office : Guidry Orthodontics in Morgan City! We visited, talked about their recent vacation and I made my way to Lafayette to spend some time with my parents. It wasn’t quite the visit that I had anticipated because…well, I laid down on the concrete outside and fell asleep. lol..but when I woke up we did get to catch up. My parents are well, awesome. They are the rock that my brothers and I are so lucky to have built our lives on. They’ve taught us about God, and loved us no matter the cirucmstances.

As a side note, part of why I enjoy my personal posts, is because it allows me to remember these milestone moments. I cannot even IMAGINE what my life would be without them. I woke up this morning and went to unload my dishwasher; but it had already been done. My dog had been bathed, and my place even tidied up a bit. I had cooked food in my refrigerator, a new carton of milk and eggs…and to top that ALL off a new pair of earrings. My mom had bought ME a gift on Mother’s Day. Now, seriously…that’s just too good to be true, right?!

Last night, as Mama Nita and I sat outside on the steps looking through photos I just took that moment to soak it all in. I thought of the day and even just my ability to be with her. I soaked in her laugh and the way she tells her stories, always remembering every detail. I admired her wit and her fiesty attitude. 🙂 Who knows what God has planned for she and for I tomorrow but I know that the few times that I do get to spend with her I will cherish forever.

I don’t think it was until about two years ago that I realized how much I love and truly cherish my family. They are my support and the only people on this earth that I know will be there through thick and thin. It’s been hard to find my own when it’s been so easy to rely on them as I grew, but thankfully I’ve found that balance as well.

As Mama Nita and I sat on the steps last night, I came across this picture. It’s a picture of my dad with his siblings when he was little. And I can’t but help that everytime I look at it, I see my oldest brother. And it makes me smile. We really are younger versions of our parents. And THAT makes me so proud. I hope that I can be half the people that they are when I am their age…and if God does ever bless me with a family of my own, I hope that I can take care of them with my spouse the way that they’ve taken care of us.

I hope everyone takes a little time out of their busy schedules this week to appreciate their blessings in life…loved ones, friendships, and even personal time. 🙂 Have a wonderful evening,


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