Mistakes Make Magic

101: Photo Pricing Demystified

December 15, 2021

I’m Catherine.
A New Orleans based wedding photographer and educator. We are excited you are here and cannot wait to connect with you!.
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I can still remember when I started my business, arbitrarily choosing prices based on what another photographer was charging..but just a little less since I was “new.” Sound familiar?

Pricing is so much more than an arbitrary number.

It’s based on your market, your personal financial situation, your experience level and portfolio as well as your availability! Pricing is ANYTHING BUT arbitrary!

In this episode of Mistakes Make Magic, we are diving into the ins and outs of pricing for photographers. My DREAM is for every photographer who has a passion for this career path to do what they love for a living. If doing photography full-time is a dream of yours, then open your ears because I have lots to share!

There is an old saying that says “If you’re not paying your bills and making money doing something, it’s a hobby!” If you want to do photography on the side that’s one thing. But if you want photography to be your means to an end, the way that you make a living, and what you do every single day because you LOVE it…this episode is for you!

**If you want to dive straight into pricing click over to minute 30.00 or so!** Please note that there is a TON of information out there on pricing and toward the end we started to get a bit pressed for time! <<If you are looking to learn more about how to price your photography and want to dive more into the details, be sure to check out our PRICING MINI COURSE!

It’s packed with all the information you need to create your pricing guide and custom offerings, too!

If you’re not quite ready for the course but do want my FREE Guide, click the image below!

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The Mistakes Make Magic podcast is a podcast designed to give wedding photographers and creative entrepreneurs entertainment and lessons learned. 

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Whether we are blending into the event experience or assisting to find the best light, the wedding day is where we create authentic and emotion-filled moments.



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