There are products that come along which revolutionize an industry. They make life easier and …. in the case of this product: more fashionable.
I can still remember just a few years ago when I first started my blog and the subject of my very first post was my brand new Classic Kelly Moore Bag. I talked about following my dreams and how I was so excited to get my first Kelly Moore Bag. For me, it was a milestone and it made me feel professional. I knew that if I was going to be serious about photography I had to not only function as a professional but look like one too.
It’s been since the first classic bag that I became a fan of the Kelly Moore Bags. Since that time, she’s come out with half a dozen other bags that are all used for different occasions and needs from hobbyist to professional. At one point, Kelly Moore Bags updated the strap system on the Classic bag and sent everyone (including me) a brand new bag at no additional cost. Now, THAT is customer service. Personally, I’m still a HUGE fan of the Classic Bag and I use it to shoot all of my weddings.
During any one wedding, I may have the following in my bag at one time:
- D3s Body
- 70-200
- 24 mm
- 50mm
- batteries
- memory cards
- cellphone
- business cards
NOTE: Sometimes, I’ll switch out my 85mm for my 70-200 or my 60mm for my 50)
ALSO: There are times, when I’ll slide a speedlight and/or pocket wizard in the large flap in the back.
I truly do not know how I would be able to shoot the way I like without my bag. There are times when I find the bag to be a bit heavy; however, I carry a lot of equipment in it and in comparison to bags such as the Shootsac which may be a lighter material, I feel that the Kelly Moore bag is more durable and has the ability to hold more in it. In addition, I love the way this bag looks. Amelia shoots with the mustard colored b-hobo bag. She doesn’t typically carry more than two lenses at a time, so it’s perfect for her. I’m also fairly sure that she uses it as her purse.
Overall, I would say that the bag is very high quality and I would personally recommend this product. It’s been absolutely wonderful for shooting and being that I shoot with majority prime lenses, I enjoy the ability to switch out my lenses. I used to have difficutly sliding my 70-200 in and out of my bag during the ceremony, but I’ve since adjusted the inner padding and haven’t had a problem.
I love the black bag because it’s perfect for formal weddings and even on casual shoots, although there are a variety of colors to choose from if you do not shoot weddings. I currently have my eye on the Posey 2 bag. It seems to be the ideal bag for one camera body and an ipad (so when WPPI Las Vegas rolls around, I should be set!)
Are you a fan of Kelly Moore Bags? Which bag do you use/recommend and which one’s your favorite?!