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7 Tips for Finding YOUR Perfect Wedding Vendors

January 5, 2012

I’m Catherine.
A New Orleans based wedding photographer and educator. We are excited you are here and cannot wait to connect with you!.
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I have never been a bride; however, being a vendor in the wedding industry, I have experienced and worked with all varieties of vendors. There are a ton of wonderful vendors out there who will take care of you and do their best to make sure that your wedding is special, memorable, and as close to perfect as it can be. I encourage you to take your time in choosing your vendors and to find those that will work best with you for your wedding.

During this time of your life, things can be stressful. There’s a ton of planning, and lots of details that must be decided upon and worked through before the wedding day. And on the actual day of your wedding, with such high expectations for that “perfect day”…there are destined to be issues that arise. You want vendors who will look out for you and do their best to make everything happen smoothly before, during, and after your wedding day.

Based on my experience being a vendor and working with others in the industry, I’ve put together my own list that I feel will help you in your search. Please note, that what I state here on this blog are my own ideas and opinions. They may not be perfect for everyone but I hope they can help SOMEONE! So, here we go:

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  • DO YOU CONNECT WITH THEM?: When a couple walks into my office, I know almost immediately if we are a match. Personally, I tend to be on the organized side, so I work with a lot of laid-back couples, typically creative + artistic, and very much in love. 🙂 The connection that I have with the couples I work with help us to foster a great relationship throughout the process of working together; which in turn allows me to create personal and unique images of the couples.


TIP: Whether you are hiring your florist, coordinator, venue, photographer, or baker….find someone that you feel you can relate to and will see and create the vision you dream of.

  • CAN YOU TRUST THEM?: Your wedding day comes once. After photographing weddings, I’ve come to learn and to appreciate how special this day is. It is a day filled with love…laughter, and even at times sadness for those who can’t be there. Weddings are an extremely special & sentimental event which is why I have chosen to work in this industry. With that being said, it is important to find someone that you can rely on and trust.

TIP: Find a vendor who will return your emails within 24-48 hours. Ask around: if a friend of yours was recently married, question them about their experiences. How did they feel about those they worked with? Were they easy to get in touch with? Did they follow through with their promises?


  • DO THEY FIT YOUR BUDGET?: Let’s just be “Real” for a second:
  1. You Get What You Pay For
  2. Everyone Has  Budget

Just like the variety in style, make, and price for dresses and shoes; there is variety in vendor selections. Finding the right fit for you may be different from the next person; but that’s ok…because that’s who’s best for YOU. I know that I am not a perfect fit for every couple who visits my website but there are 25 couples every year who are.

TIP: Keep in mind that you pay for quality, experience, and much more when choosing your details….and the same applies when choosing your vendors. Everyone has a budget. So, use your best judgement to determine what’s most important to YOU on your wedding and how you will use that budget.


  • ARE THEY PROFESSIONAL?: I recently wrote an entire post on Professionalism and my feelings toward the meaning of the word. Personally, I believe that being a Professional is more than what you wear or what you say. It’s everything from the initial inquiry to the final delivery in terms of quality, effort, preparation, and presentation.

TIP: Choose vendors that uphold the highest standard of professionalism and all that entails.


  • ARE THEY PERSONABLE? I cannot tell you how many times, I’ve seen the shock on a groomsman’s face when I remember his name. Something as simple as remembering a person’s name has a huge affect on the level of personability. The wedding day is about the marriage and being surrounded by those you love most. So, finding vendors that are kind, considerate, and able to interact in a positive light with your friends and family is so incredibly important. It makes the day fun….:) and just as it should be.

TIP: Your Vendors should have the ability to interact with a variety of personality types. This kind of goes back to finding that connection; but it’s helpful to look for vendors you get along with and whom you think will get along with your family and friends.


  • WHAT IS THEIR LEVEL OF EXPERIENCE? There is always the unexpected that occurs on a wedding day. However, experience and awareness can avoid mistakes and mishaps especially on the day of. Amelia and I talk at the end of every wedding about what we learned. There has NEVER been a wedding that we didn’t learn at least ONE new thing. I am still young and my learning curve is steep; but I know that I have the experience to do a good job and to be ready for anything. If you cannot afford an experienced vendor, I can assure you that you are taking a risk. I’ve heard many stories of couples who wished they would have done their research on their vendors. Now, they’re looking back wishing they would have hired a different: Photographer…Baker…Florist….DJ, etc. etc.

TIP: Do your research. Look at portfolios; talk to people. Do whatever you need to do to find out as much as you can about those you are investing in.


  • ARE THEY PREPARED? At least in terms of photography, I am referencing preparation in terms of both equipment and scheduling. Having a clear outline of what photographs are expected and a schedule and plan for when that should occur REALLY helps things to run smoothly. Also, having professional primary and backup equipment to handle any sort of lighting condition is extremely important. Every TYPE of vendor has a definition of what prepared means to them, as long as they’re ready to make things happen and happen well.

TIP: Observe your potential vendors. What are their characteristics? Are they organized? Do they possess the qualities of someone that will be ready and prepared on your wedding day?

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This checklist will help you in your journey to finding the perfect vendors for YOU. Remember, “Life is Like a Box of Chocolates.” 🙂 You just need to find your favorite flavor.

What is your experience working with different vendors? Do you have any tips…feel free to place them in the comment section below. I hope this was helpful!

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  1. […] vendors is such an important part of that planning process. I even wrote a post recently with 7 TIPS for Finding Your Perfect Vendors because I know just how important it is. As a vendor myself, I value working with other […]

  2. […] of Catherine Guidry Photography, on her blog, she had the following advice for her […]

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