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A 2nd Perspective

September 22, 2011

I’m Catherine.
A New Orleans based wedding photographer and educator. We are excited you are here and cannot wait to connect with you!.
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Although I tend to think that I can do more be in more than one place at once, physically…I am only one person and cannot. πŸ˜‰ And so, it’s been so incredible having Amelia there with me to shoot in the past few months. It’s difficult to express in words how thankful I am that things have worked out the way that they have and I am so appreciative of Amelia and how we’ve really grown to work with one another.

When I first began shooting weddings professionally, I enjoyed shooting on my own. I am firm believer that a wedding can be fully documented and covered WELL with one shooter. However, now that I do have Amelia shooting with me I thought it would be fun to blog a bit about what it’s like having a second perspective to add to mine!

Even just having someone to shoot from a different angle at times, or being able to be in a different spot or part of the venue is super awesome!

Recently, Amelia and I traveled to Pensacola Beach together to shoot Jennifer + Daniel’s wedding. Having her there to share in the experience was a lot of fun, but more importantly she contributed so many beautiful images that Jennifer + Daniel will treasure forever.

One of my favorite parts of the wedding day, is shooting the details! πŸ™‚ It’s such a personal expression of the couple and all the hard work that they’ve put into making their wedding unique! For Jennifer + Daniel, all of their wedding memories were held in the beach house. And so, by Amelia capturing a shot of this, I feel like it will always bring them back to the place where they were married!


During the preparation, I grabbed this shot of Jennifer.

While I was standing just to their right, Amelia was positioned behind them and able to grab this shot.

While Jennifer’s best friend Kristen was helping her with her garter, I shot from the front of Jennifer.

And this was Amelia’s angle.

Having Amelia during the first look is priceless. Everything happens SO fast and no matter which angle is the better one, we’re both there and ready for whatever happens.

The below shot is actually Amelia’s, taken from what I would consider to be the “better” angle because this is the side where we can see their faces.

And although this angle is not technically speaking, the “better” angle, I think together they both really tell the story.

Amelia’s Angle.

My Angle.

My favorite, favorite, favorite, part about having a second shooter is during the moments just before the wedding begins. As I am at the front of the aisle, waiting for the family to begin the processional,

Amelia is with bridal party capturing adorable moments such as this.

And this………….


As a primary shooter, there are the “must-have” shots such as this of the first kiss taken centered so that both Jennifer + Daniel are visible.

But being that Amelia is the second shooter, she has the ability to take a few risks and grab some different angles such as this one below.

After the ceremony, we made our way out to the beach so that Jennifer + Daniel could take some shots in the water. I shot from the beach.

And Amelia shot from the balcony above.

I am looking forward to many more weddings with Amelia in the hopes of produces a lot of variety for the couples that we work with. The couples are loving the additional images, and I am loving their happiness! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

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