
Because of You

August 7, 2011

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Mom + Dad,

In the 35 years that you have been married, I can only imagine what life has been like. I imagine that it has been filled with lots of happiness, laughter, and I’m sure hard times as well. But through all of this, all the ups and downs of life, you have managed to cherish your marriage, cherish each other, and love us (Scott, David, and I) unconditionally.

Growing up, there were so many things that I took for granted and looking back, it’s hard to believe how giving you were of your time, your possessions, and most of all your love. You have shown us what love looks like; not only by loving us but by loving each other. We saw what true love and working for a marriage really meant…and we saw it firsthand as your children. Now that I am looking for the same in my own life, I must admit that you’ve set the standards pretty high.

Because of you dad, I will need a someone that is selfless, one who does not complain; someone that works hard for everything that we own and still makes time for me amongst it all. Because of you, I am looking for someone who is organized and a planner but is also open to spontaneity…and most of all, someone who is as strong in his faith and as quick to make me laugh as you are. (You’ve made it quite difficult to find someone as perfect as you). 😉

Because of you mom, I want to be giving, of my time and my love. I want to show those that are closest to me just how much I love them by doing things for them and giving my full effort in helping them. Because of you, I want to be stronger in my own faith and more independent. You have shown me that it’s ok to be sensitive and to learn to love who I am.

You both have always held a strong front; and we really didn’t stand a chance growing up at getting what we wanted if EITHER of you disagreed (not even necessarily both of you) and the older I get I understand how important this was. 35 years. Wow. I’m only 25 and can’t even begin to understand not only how long that is to spend with someone else. I CAN imagine, however, that it was not always easy. But that never mattered, because just as you continue to love each other, you continue to love us as well.

I admire the way you still look at each other with compassion and sincere love. I admire the way you, Dad, compliment mom when she looks pretty (which is ALWAYS, of course, right mom?!) 😉 …and the way you are patient. Mom, it’s ok that you try not to laugh…we all know that you think Dad’s funny. 🙂 🙂 I love that you still dance and have fun together. In fact, I think you have more fun now that when we were in the house because every second of your life is not revolved around us anymore. You still travel (probably more than ever now) and one day, I want to travel the world as well.

Even as I type this letter to you, tears fill my eyes, because I truly cannot find the words to express all the love you have made me feel. You have made a life for us that is more than I feel I even deserve. I have never felt scared or unsafe, and anytime I need something I know you’re there.

Your marriage is God-centered, selfless, strong enough to withstand the bad, and filled with enough love to enjoy the good. And the truth of it is….I want what you have one day.

Mom, I already know what you’re going to say when you see this picture…probably something like, “Why’d she pick that one?” Or “I don’t like xxxx.” But you know what, this is one of my favorite pictures of the two of you. I can remember the moment exactly:

You were both tired because we had spent the entire weekend painting Dad’s office (which was entirely my idea to spend so long painting at once); and THEN you were both still willing to come “scout photography locations” after with me. We were standing on top the bridge, I was looking around for spots to shoot when I looked over..and saw you two. Mom, you were having a hard time with how much you missed (and still miss) Grandma and dad was consoling you. You didn’t even want to smile for the photo but dad was there to make you feel better. And this, I love.

Thank you for loving us and for continuing to love each other.

I love you,


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  1. Peter Guidry says:

    Our best 35th anniversary present. Thanks for all your love. Mom and Dad

  2. Katelyn says:

    This is a beautiful post and picture. I aspire to have such a great marriage 🙂

  3. Norma says:

    You captured a great example of love. Your article was very touching. It brought tears and a smile at the same time.

  4. Randi says:

    What a beautiful tribute to such amazing people, and such a lovely picture! I absolutely adore your parents and am so thankful for the roles that you and they have all played in my life. Happy 35th anniversary Dr. Pete and Mrs. Carrie!! Love you both!

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