
I’m so proud of my brother! Introducing…Guidry Orthodontics!

November 14, 2012

I’m Catherine.
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I grew up with two older brothers who made sure to give me their fair share of picking and teasing. They had their moments of leaving me out and being “boys” but one thing is for sure…they always looked out for me. Even today, they’re still looking out for me.

David, the younger of my two brothers, spent his time since high school studying at LSU. He started in hopes of practicing dentistry and then surpassed those expectations by applying and qualifying for orthodontics schooling. Now…after ALL these years, he’s finally opened his own practice in Morgan City, LA (where we grew up). 🙂

I couldn’t be more proud of David. He is TRULY one of the most genuine, compassionate, and selfless people I know. And as an orthodontist, I have no doubt he’ll succeed with that level of care he puts forth in addition to his perfectionist ways.

He really loves what he does…and I’m so happy for he and his wife Minette. They have finally settled into the Guidry Orthodontics practice and are doing well!

Brad and I spent time during the spring helping David with his logo. The image on the left is a photo of David’s takeaway bags filled with orthodontics goodies; it was really neat to see the logo design printed everywhere! On the right is David…I mean, Dr. Guidry.

On the left is David’s wife and my sister-in-law, Minette. Minette is also the office manager for Guidry Orthodontics.

 She and David have worked really hard to make the practice a successand I’m so proud of both of them!!!

On the right, is their orthodontics assistant Carley!

Here’s a shot of Dave in his new office!!! They worked so hard to make it so perfect!

Guidry Orthodontics patients enter and wait in their waiting area pictured below. It’s the perfect mix of modern and traditional.

Below I grabbed this shot of Minette + Carley working hard in the receptionist area.

This is the consult room. When a patient comes in to meet with Dr. Guidry, they discuss the future of their treatment here.

This room is the operatory, where the patients are treated…and left with beautiful SMILES!

A few weeks ago, Guidry Orthodontics held its open house for the local dentists and their staffs.

I just adore these branded tervis tumblers and chapstick combinations!

When we designed the Guidry Orthodontics logo, we made sure to emphasize the G and the O of the brand so that they could incorporate

the logo into giveaways like these awesome LSU t-shirts!

Do you see what I mean? 🙂 I credit this concept fully to David and Minette. They’re so creative!

Below, David is pictured with the local dentists. Second from the left, is my dad! And third from the right is David. During his thank you

speech, David made sure to thank everyone for coming and share how he appreciates the comraderie and community of their fields.

This is something that Brad and I are also very proud of! Minette came up with the idea to gift David with this canvas print for his graduation.

David always says if he wins the lottery, he’s creating a place called “Pal City” those he loves most will live. In his mind,

its a western town, so Minette, Brad, and I worked together to create this blueprint of his Pal City for his graduation gift.

It now hangs in his office!!!

David has always been the type of person who takes the time to talk with people and really cares about those around him.

Guidry Orthodontics held a drawing and David took the time to thank everyone for coming. The Open House was a true success.

I’m so happy that David is doing what he loves for a living and I cannot wait to see all the beautiful smiles he creates at his practice.

 I’m so thankful to have been a tiny part of Guidry Orthodontics and I’m proud to see the success of its future!

Their website is currently in progress, but if you’re looking to connect with them, feel free to visit their website: or call (985)372-2399!

Feel free to leave your congratulations and well wishes below!

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  1. Brandon landry says:

    Congrats on opening the practice David!! Great to have you and your wife back to tow, and wishing you both all the best!!!!

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