
My nightmare was only a dream….

May 10, 2012

I’m Catherine.
A New Orleans based wedding photographer and educator. We are excited you are here and cannot wait to connect with you!.
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As I mentioned in my previous post on the Camera Basics Workshop….I was nervous for last Friday. And to be honest, when it was over, I spent the rest of the day doing ABSOLUTELY nothing. 🙂 I procrastinated on Thursday night until I literally stressed myself into working at full blown speed to get ready for Friday so by the time the workshop passed, I was EXHAUSTED. When Friday arrived, I was ready but the nerves didn’t go away. Because at 3:55, there was only Amelia, Lauren, and myself. So, there we were, just the three of us sitting in this room full of empty chairs: My. Worst. Nightmare.

Just before 4:00 (and before I had a full blown panic attack), the first person walked in, then the next, then the next. There were more people than seats. Holy cow, then I stopped being nervous about people showing and returned to being nervous baout the presentation all over again. We spent the first hour inside as I went over camera basics, everything from lighting to camera settings and equipment, posing…and workflow. OR…you can safely say that they spent the next hour watching me dance (at least that’s what the photos Amelia took show). You’d swear I was auditioning for a broadway musical.

Are you guys laughing at me or with me? 😉

🙂 🙂 🙂

For the second half of the workshop, I was SO blessed to have model Lauren Cheely join us for the shoot. We discussed outfit, location, planning, lighting, and posing as we made our way through downtown. This is the first time I’ve EVER done this…and it was such a crazy experience speaking out loud what I was thinking as I was shooting.

It was a true challenge and I appreciate everyone’s patience and support!

Yes, I realize that Lauren looks WAAYY  better in a pose than I do. But I wanted to show them and to show her that if I’m asking my client to do something, I’m unafraid to do it too.

It made her feel more comfortable and if I can do something to make her feel more comfortable than I absolutely will.

It’s funny to see me in a still shot…because to be honest, I felt like I was talking 90 miles an hour!

On a photoshoot, I become a stylist as well as a photographer. 🙂 ….and in the shot on the right, I was using myself to show how the subtle differences in a pose can make a huge difference in the photo.

Below are a few of my favorite images of Lauren….it was so hard to choose, because seriously, she cannot take a bad photo! 🙂

Lauren totally rocked it out for everyone. There were close to twenty cameras pointed at her and she was nothing but fabulous for the workshop!

We talked about backlighting which I LOVE….DANG…this lighting is Ah-mazing.

Lauren, you are gorgeous, girl!

My favorite feature of Lauren’s is her eyes. They’re absolutely beautiful! 🙂

Thank you so much to everyone who came to the workshop. It was a wonderful experience for me and I hope it was for you as well.

Thank you for showing up and giving us a few hours of your day to learn about something that I love so dearly.

Amelia, thank YOU SOOO much for always being so supportive and such a great friend. You have grown so much as a photographer over the past year and I honestly cannot say enough how much it means to me that I can count on you. Thank you for being the one to take these behind-the-scenes images today so that I can share them on the blog. And really…just thanks for being there for me.

Also, thanks to Lauren for driving ALLL the way from Patterson to model for us. I can ONLY imagine how intimidating it must have been to stand in front of so many cameras. But you did it, and you were awesome at it! 🙂 I hope to work with you again in the future.

A few people have mentioned that they would like to attend a future workshop.

Angie from the Lafayette Public Library downtown was the one to initiate this workshop and has since asked us to come back! And so….at some point in the future we will be doing this again.

In the meantime, I’m going to continue learning and continue sharing in the hopes that we can all bring more beautiful images and art to the world. 🙂 Have a wonderful evening!


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