Photo Education

Choosing Lenses

June 16, 2011

I’m Catherine.
A New Orleans based wedding photographer and educator. We are excited you are here and cannot wait to connect with you!.
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Choosing lenses is like choosing an outfit. It affects your look + your style….of photography. Just like some women like to wear dresses + skirts and others prefer slacks + jeans, there’s also endless variety in lens selection. I was actually amazed one day when I downloaded the Nikon app. I had NO idea that there were SO many Nikkor lenses. And I’m sure the same goes for Canon and other brands.

My 1st Lenses: There are a ton of lenses out there and as I was saying in a recent post where I was selling my fisheye lens, over time, my lens selection has changed. I started with an 18-200 f/3.5-5.6 and realized when I began shooting weddings that I need a lens with a fixed aperture and one with the ability to let in much more light than I was able to with that lens. My next lens was the Nikkor 17-55 f/2.8. Honestly, it was an excellent lens. And with the price tag of approximately $1500 I couldn’t have beat it’s ability to shoot almost anything with it. It was an extremely versatile lens.

My Next Purchase: Later, I purchased my 70-200 (Seen far right below) which I obviously still have and still use…A LOT. It stays on my camera for the majority of wedding ceremonies when I am unable to get super close to the bride and groom and I LOVE LOVE LOVE to use it for engagement sessions when I’m trying to capture the emotion between a couple.

Welcome to the World of Primes: Somewhere along the way, however, I had the chance to shoot a Canon body with prime lenses and I was BLOWN away by the sharpness. I was SOLD. Not too long after, I bought my D700 body (seen far left below) and my 50mm f/1.4 prime. WOW! I can still remember when it shipped in. I opened the box and screamed…out loud. I was SO happy!!! I had worked SO hard for that camera and was ready to say goodbye to using my D200 + 17-55 combo as my primary set. It couldn’t even hold a candle to the D700’s capabilities. I attached the 50mm to the body and held it up to my eye, changed the settings, and clicked. It was an image of Chaos; I still have the picture of him….wide-eyed and thinking, “My mom is crazy.” lol…

UNBELIEVEABLE: But I could not believe A.] How much light was being let in with the combination of a better body and a prime lens B.] The Sharpness C.] The speed of my Shutter

This led to my new addiction of purchasing prime lenses. From there, I bought my 24mm f/2.8, my fisheye (which I just sold), and my 60mm Macro lens. I am currently saving for an 85mm f/1.4 and I cannot wait to have it in my hands. 🙂 🙂 🙂

Anyway, I was packing my bags earlier for Addie + Justin’s wedding tomorrow and I thought of how I came to love the lenses that I currently use for weddings. Although I am still looking forward to acquiring more lenses in the future, I am happy where I am now fully exploring the capability of my lenses.

There’s something SO pretty about camera gear. It’s sad…but I really think Nikon makes such a beautiful product. I know a lot of people ask this question in the photography world, so I’d like to pose it to you. If you are a photographer reading this blog, what’s YOUR favorite lens? Mine is my 50mm f/1.4. 🙂

Live Simply, Love Freely,


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  1. chalea says:

    I love love love my Canon 70-200 L4 !!! I don’t just use it for weddings.. i love using it .. for just about everything… well except those wide angle or macro shots 🙂

  2. out of the ones I currently use my favorite is probably the 70-200…however the best lens I’ve ever owned was Canon’s 200mm 1.8…..the possibilities with that bad boy were insane!

  3. Matt Landry says:

    Hands down…….we shoot Canon… absolute favorite lens of all time is the 85mm f/1.2………yikes…..the bokeh is like butta and the sharpness is that of a Ginsu Knife!!! Love!!!!

  4. Jason Meaux says:

    I have to say that my Leica 50mm 1.4 is my favorite as well. But my 24mm 1.4 is gaining traction towards that #1 spot quickly. For me, I love the sharpness of the 50 coupled with the creamy background.

  5. I have the nikkor 50 1.4 G and I love it with a passion, even over the 85 D. Something about that G with the built in motor makes a difference.

  6. I love this post! Seems to me that we have similar taste 🙂 I want the 85mm and the new 35mm! Plus a new camera body, boy I hope to find a money tree!

  7. Paul Kieu says:

    Favorite at the moment: that beautiful 70-200mm as pictured. Currently still learning how to use 24-70, so it’s my walk-around lens, and I love it. 50mm 1.4 for those really low-light shots. Saving up for a 85mm 1.4 as well!

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